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File a Cert. of Debtor Ed.

Notice To Approved Personal Financial Management Course Providers

Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 1007(b)(7) permits an approved provider of an instructional course concerning personal financial management to notify the court directly that the debtor has completed the course after filing the petition.   This Rule pertains to post-petition debtor education certificates only, not to certificates received for pre-petition credit counseling.

U.S. Trustee approved personal financial management course providers may use the electronic financial management course certificate filing program (eFinCert) to file the Certificate of Debtor Education under Rule 1007(b)(7) without becoming a registered ECF user; no login or password is required.

Please note that the failure of the provider to file the certificate OR of the debtor(s) to file Official Form 423 (Certification About a Financial Management Course) in a timely fashion in accordance with Rule 1007(c) will constitute a failure of the debtor to comply with this Rule and will result in the debtor’s case being closed without a discharge. See Rule 4004(c)(1)(H).

IMPORTANT WARNING: Penalty for filing fraudulent certification: Fine of up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both.  See 18 U.S.C. §§152, 157 and 3571.